
​​【修課規定】Course Regulations for Students

Students in Graduate Institute of Intelligent Manufacturing Technology (GIMT) are required to the following regulations for course completion:


(1) 修完全部必修課程
     Completion of all required courses.

  • SI6004 智慧製造導論 Introduction to Intelligent Manufacturing
  • SI6001 論文研討(一) Seminar(I) (taught in Chinese only)
  • SI6002 產學創新大師講座 Special Topics on Industry-Academy Innovation (taught in Chinese only)
  • 學術研究倫理課程 Academic Research Ethics Course (https://ae.cge.ntust.edu.tw/)


(2) 修完本所專業領域選修課程(每個領域至少1門以上,課程列表如下)
     Completion of elective courses in the specialized field of the GIMT. For each field, at least one course must be completed. The course options are as follows:

  1. 工業數據科學
    Industrial Data Science
    • SI5006 通用啟發式演算法 Metaheuristics
    • SI5024 最佳化模型及應用 Optimization Models and Applications
    • SI5032 機器學習 Machine Learning
    • SI5040 強化學習 Reinforcement Learning
    • SI5101 深度學習 Deep Learning
    • SI5102 智慧視覺檢測 AI-Based Visual Inspection
  2. 智慧製造與營運
    Intelligent Manufacturing and Operations
    • SI5002 供應鏈管理 Supply Chain Management
    • SI5003 生產管理 Production Management
    • SI5010 智慧營運與管理 Intelligent Operations and Management
    • SI5201 數位雙生與模擬 Digital Twin and Simulation
    • SI5202 智慧型製造系統 Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
  3. 機器人工程與自動化技術
    Robotics Engineering and Automation Technology
    • SI5014 工業物聯網技術與應用 Industrial IOT technology and applications
    • SI5038 物聯網之雲和霧計算概論 Cloud and Fog Computing in the Internet of Things
    • SI5039 5G網路基礎技術 5G Network Foundation
    • SI5301 自主移動載具及機器人概論 Autonomous Mobile Vehicles and Robots Introduction


(3) 其他專業選修課程:僅採計本校校內與三校聯盟各系所開的研究所課程。
     Other graduate elective courses will only be considered if they are offered by departments within our university or the National Taiwan University System.
